Please note that meetingpages does our best to provide accurate information, but events may change without notice. If you have calendar items to add or change, please contact
3/9-11: Wisconsin Governor’s Conference on Tourism; La Crosse Center, La Crosse, WI; to register visit
3/12: GBTA Wisconsin Chapter Meeting “Luggage, Layovers, and LLMs”; Hyatt Regency Milwaukee, WI; 10:30 am - 4:00 pm CT; for more information visit
4/1: WSAE Women’s Forum; Monona Terrace, Madison, WI, exact time TBD. For more information contact WSAE at (414) 338- 9723.
4/3: Global Meetings Industry Day; local locations and times TBD in each market; for more information visit
4/16-17: MPI WI Spring Education Day & Preconference Spring Spectacular; Baird Center, WI; exact time TBD; For more information contact the MPI WI office at (608) 204-9816.
5/15: MPI WI Chapter Event; Legacy Hotel Green Bay WI; exact time TBD; For more information contact the MPI WI office at (608) 204-9816.
6/18-19: WSAE Live @ Wisconsin Dells; Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI; exact time TBD. For more information contact WSAE at (414) 338- 9723.
??: MPI WI Chapter Summer Social; location and time TBD; For more information contact the MPI WI office at (608) 204-9816.
7/16-17: WSAE CEO Retreat; Hotel Retlaw, Fond du Lac, WI; exact time TBD. For more information contact WSAE at (414) 338- 9723.
8/21: MPI WI Chapter Awards Gala; Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel, WI; time TBD; For more information contact the MPI WI office at (608) 204-9816.
9/8-10: UMCVB Fall Conference; Hilton Appleton Paper Valley Hotel, Fox Cities, WI; For more information visit
9/10: GBTA Wisconsin Meeting; Location TBD, WI; 10:00 am - 4:00 pm CT; for more information visit
9/18: MPI WI Event; Lake Lawn Resort, Delevan, WI; exact time TBD; For more information contact the MPI WI office at (608) 204-9816.
9/30: WSAE Board of Directors Meeting; Virtual, 10:00 am CT. For more information contact WSAE at (414) 338- 9723.
10/23: MPI WI Chapter Event; Marriott Madison West, Middleton, WI; exact time TBD; For more information contact the MPI WI office at (608) 204-9816.
11/5-6: WSAE Annual Summit; Pfister Hotel, Milwaukee, WI; exact time TBD. For more information contact WSAE at (414) 338- 9723.
11/12: GBTA Wisconsin Meeting; Location TBD, WI; 10:00 am - 4:00 pm CT; for more information visit
No events scheduled at this time.