A. Getting the community interested or aware of the event is your first step in promoting a public event. The best place to start no matter who the audience, is by creating a social media or Facebook event page. For those who might want to attend, this becomes the central searchable hub to locate and receive details about the event. The FB event page will also show up on local area calendars for FB members, making it more searchable. This strategy works well for an open invitation event or private association event, though for the latter, you might want to designate the event page as private.
Additionally, reaching out to the area CVB in the community you’re hosting the event is a good idea. Most times, CVBs provide services at no charge, unless they’re something like hard media costs. At Visit St. Cloud, we work with clients on social media, blogging, and press releases to help promote their event. That’s what we’re here for.
Community calendars are often free or low cost, as are publicity from local chambers or newspapers. It’s important to try to get the event information on their searchable sites.
If the planner or company has a website, that’s another good place to promote the event.
Keep your audience in mind when considering which media channel you should use to promote your event. For example, if your potential attendees are primarily age 55+, social media may not be the most effective place to promote. Instead, consider print or even radio options, though they are not free. However, if you’re reaching out to a younger audience who are online and more mobile-focused, social media is a good outlet.
Also, consider reaching out to influential members of the community who may be able to spread the word for you in exchange for a mention in your conference materials.